Friday, June 12, 2009

Brake Repair - Squeaky Brakes Can Lead to Disaster

Have you considered your options when it comes to brake repair? Car care can be a risky endeavor for people who aren't familiar with the inner-workings of their vehicle. In order to get the best out of your car's performance, make sure you're familiar with all of its sounds and vibrations. This knowledge can help you perceive issues ahead of time and avoid the necessary expensive brake repair. One of the most common complaints about breaks is the "squeak" sound they can occasionally make. Squeaking breaks can happen for a number of reasons, some of which may become increasingly severe over time. Squeaking breaks are nothing to ignore, and should be inspected by an auto-mechanic in order to prevent gradual damage to your brakes.

If your brakes are squeaking, don't panic. Often squeaking can start for harmless reasons. Temporary moisture from outside can get in the brake pad and cause a squeaking noise, but this is different from a continuous wail. If your brakes are grinding or squeaking constantly, it means your pads have worn down significantly and need replacing. Without functioning pads it can become difficult to stop in emergencies, as well as increasing the stopping distance of your car. If you must suddenly stop at a red light to avoid rear ending the car in front of you, a quick and responsive pad is essential to stopping in your tracks and avoiding an accident, so you probably need brake repair in this case.

Sometimes your brake pads aren't the reason for squeaking sounds. There are certain products you can apply yourself to reduce or eliminate irritating or concerning sounds. Noise control products can help reduce or eliminate a pestering squeal. Other processes for getting rid of the squeak include: dampening the pads, lubricating the calipers with a special brake lubricant, or most commonly, replacing the pads or rotors. Resurfacing of rotors may also be required. The rotors, in fact, can be responsible for their own host of problems.

The rotors are what grind against your pads when your brakes are applied. When the rotors and pads are rubbed against each other, heavy amounts of friction are created. The rotors end up receiving the most force of this friction, which causes them to wear down more frequently than the pads. If you want to keep your rotors in top condition, try not to brake your vehicle suddenly or aggressively. A normal stopping vehicle can create enough friction between the pads and rotors to reach well over 200 degrees. Stopping aggressively and frequently can raise this temperature to near or even past the 700 degree mark. This can lead to the quick breakdown of your rotors which necessitates brake repair.

In conclusion, squeaky breaks may appear to be only annoying at first. But if gone unchecked for long enough, squeaks or grinding sounds can become much larger problems. A sound coming from your brakes should not be ignored, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Bring your car to an auto professional right away and have it inspected. Failure to do so can result in damage to your car or to another person's.

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