Sunday, May 31, 2009

Brake Repair - Anti Lock Brakes

Anti-lock brakes have not always been around. Some cars started to have this system in the 1950s, but today there are so many more vehicles that have these systems. They are very helpful especially when you are driving in wet weather. The system is designed to help your brakes not to lock up and cause you to skid. If the ABS light comes on and stays on then it is important to consider what it could mean, and whether it means that you are in need of brake repair.

The ABS light will come on when you first start your car, but it should go off after a moment. If it does not, then it is likely that your ABS is not working. You will want to make sure that it is your ABS light that you are seeing. If it is the light for the normal braking system, then this is definitely an emergency. Your ABS is a preventative system, but your normal braking system is essential. If both lights come on then you are in need of brake repair. Once you decide which system light is on, you will want to consider your situation. If you are driving in bad weather, you will want to keep in mind that you do not have your normal ABS available, so you will need to pump your brakes when you want to slow down because your brakes could lock up.

Before you panic though, make sure your parking brake is off and make sure that you did not just feel your wheels spin under the car. Also, you might check your battery to make sure the charge is not low. These issues could cause this light to come on, but it may depend on the vehicle you are driving.

At the first opportunity, you will want to find a mechanic to check out your ABS. When you take your vehicle in, they will likely use a diagnostic device to get a code which will hopefully tell the mechanic what the issue is that is going on with your anti-lock brakes. There are a few possibilities as to what could be wrong with your ABS. The problem could be a wheel speed sensor, control solenoids, or a hydraulic modulator.

The wheel speed sensor is not a very difficult problem to remedy. They are not as expensive of a fix as some parts. The wheel speed sensor is a tachometer. It has the job of deciphering the speed at which your wheels rotate.

Control solenoids help control the pressure in the Anti-lock braking system. They are an important part of ABS because they are what work with the hydraulics to make the anti-lock brakes do their job. So it is important to get brake repair for this issue if you want to have working ABS. They might be more expensive and more difficult to replace than the wheel speed sensor.

The problem with your ABS could also have to do with the hydraulic modulator. Hydraulics are a major part of how your brakes work. The hydraulic modulator holds the solenoid valves, so often times you will need to have all of it replaced if there is a problem with part of it.

Make sure to find an experienced mechanic to help you with the issues going on with your brakes. Changing some parts take more knowledge and tools then others.

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