Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Brake Repair Symptoms - Squeaking All The Way Home

You have likely heard a car whether your own or someone else's that had brakes that squeaked when they stopped. Perhaps you know nothing about brake repair and thought to yourself that you or they either need to get their brakes checked, or maybe you thought the sound was simply from stopping fast. It really can be a variety of things, and it is a good idea for you to know them, so that you will know what to consider if your own vehicle's brakes make a squeaking noise.

The pads for brakes were actually at one point made out of asbestos, which is a very dangerous material. This material has been removed from a variety of places and it has been replaced with safer materials. When it comes to a vehicle's brakes, they too have been replaced with a material that is much harder and that will be more resilient. The disadvantage to this type of pad is that it does tend to be noisier. That is one possibility as to what could cause a squeaking sound in your brakes. This would not necessitate brake repair unless of course these pads were worn out. You would not know this unless you visit a mechanic.

The squeaking sound that your brakes might make may also be caused by the weather. If the weather is especially humid, or if you are driving in an area that is sandy or dusty, your brakes might squeak from this. With this being a possibility, it might give you some hope that you will not need to put out the money to have brake repair, but you will still want to get them checked to be certain. Be sure and ask the mechanic if this is what could be causing it just in case you get a mechanic that could replace brakes that are not yet ready to be replaced.

Another possibility as to the source of the squeaking in your brakes is the type of car you own. Smaller cars sometimes have brakes that make more noise than larger cars. You might notice this happening especially when it is cold outside or wet especially when you first start driving.

If your problem is due to the hardness of the particular pads that are on your vehicle, then there are some options that you can speak with your mechanic about. One option is to ask about different pads that might not make so much noise. Another option is to reduce the hard surface of the pads with sandpaper, or even to use a spray made from milk or use lotion on the pads.

None of these issues are major, so it is good to know that squeaking might not always be something expensive. You might think the conditions are right for the above problems, and you might think that one of them could be your issue, but nonetheless, you should still seek out a brake repair mechanic to make sure, or to get help with any of the remedies to the noise.

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